BRAND Redesign
The Strong Museum of Play is an interactive, collections-based museum devoted to the exploration and history of play. A branding redesign requires research in order to fully understand who they are and what they stand for. Only then can one begin to visualize the story that the Strong is telling through its visual identity.
Logo Redesign
The logo redesign for the Strong Museum of Play focuses on the emotions of “PLAY” by encapsulating its content within the four-sided block. Each individual letter represents an emotion of joy while at play. “Proud Purple”, “Perky Pink”, “Giddy Green”, and “Bubbly Blue”.
Mark variation
The logo variations for the Strong include two main marks in both “Square” and “Horizontal” forms. They can be used with or without the rectangular borders depending on the color use. They can also be used in five different color variations, which shows the versatility of the visual identity.
Branding projects require a specific set of rules in order for visual harmony in any design communication. For example, the Strong’s marks can only be used in specific colors depending on the background. Also, white typography can only be used in the logo and never in body copy.
Clear space is vital in ensuring that there is no interference with the logos in the Strong’s brand. Utilizing elements from the mark generates the perfect amount of white space between any object and the mark itself.
After creating an entirely new visual identity for the Strong, I put it to use in multiple forms including digital technology. Landing pages and digital wallet tickets make the brand useful for the modern world.
Developing a brand gave me a gave me a strong understanding of typography and how it can be used in a variety of forms. Being able to perfect things like the weight, leading, and rag in the body copy are important visual skills for any design project.
Print touchpoints for the Strong’s brand redesign utilized the playful colors, geometric patterns, and crisp typography through colorful wristbands and powerful posters.
The primary digital touchpoint in the brand is the institution’s homepage. This is going to be seen and used by almost every visitor. Prototyping the front end design put my love of UX/UI design to use.
Designing for social media is an important skill and Instagram is the most visually-focused app. Applying the brand identity to the Instagram profile allowed me develop a simple visual system.